Connect, Inspire, and Celebrate with Us

Our anniversary provides an opportunity for the community to come together for meaningful experiences. Throughout the celebration year, we look toward to a future that holds promise and prosperity for the next 275 years and beyond!

A Commemoration Like No Other

This celebration is also about shining a spotlight on the birthplace of Reform Judaism – carrying forward our legacy, honoring our shared history, and embracing our future aspirations.

The Roadmap to Our Celebrations

All events and activities are related to our five pillars and are designed for diverse interests and all ages. This celebration provides a foundation for the next 275 years. Join us as a sponsor/partner in our journey. Engage with the community, experience our rich traditions, and make timeless memories. Thank you for being a part of KKBE’s 275th anniversary celebration and for helping us sustain a vibrant future.

Pillar Events


Field Day at the Park


Sound Bath

Oct 25th

Moroccan Sukkot

Nov 10th

Lowcountry Nosh

Nov 23rd

The Great American Jewish Songbook with Charleston Symphony Orchestra


Charleston Interreligious Council Thanksgiving Service


Latkes and Vodkas

April 2025

Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch with Charleston Symphony Orchestra, Taylor Festival Choir and Koleinu

Keystone Events

24 - 26

Cantorial Celebration of Reform MusicFebruary

9th - 2nd
Oct. - Nov.

History/Building Tours with Preservation

Jan - March


Jews & Justice

The Kick-off to KKBE’s 275th Anniversary
Time: February 8, 2024 at 6:00 pm
Location: KKBE, 90 Hasell Street, Charleston, SC 29401

We are seeking event sponsors for the upcoming Jews and Justice panel discussion and community conversation. This event will convene a panel of distinguished authors, jurists, legal scholars and experts to discuss how the Jewish justices on the US Supreme Court impact America’s dedication to its founding ideals of equality and justice for all. A book signing and reception will follow.


Our Panelists

Moderator: Edward Felsenthal

Executive Chairman and former Editor-in-Chief of TIME, Mr. Felsenthal and his work as a journalist led to two Pulitzer Prizes, as he covered the Supreme Court for the Wall Street Journal.

Armand Derfner

A distinguished Charleston civil rights attorney who has successfully argued voting rights cases before the US Supreme Court, Mr. Derfner isco-author of Justice Deferred: Race and the Supreme Court.

Judge Richard Gergel

Current United States district court judge and Charleston resident, Judge Gergel is the author of Unexampled Courage: The Blinding of Sgt. Isaac Woodard and the Awakening of President Harry Truman and Judge J. Waties Waring.

Brad Snyder

Georgetown University professor of constitutional law and 20th
Century legal history, Mr. Snyder is the author of Democratic Justice: Felix
Frankfurter, the Supreme Court and the Making of the Liberal Establishment.

Julie Cohen

Writer, director, producer and filmmaker, Ms. Cohen is the Oscar nominated filmmaker of the RBG (Ruth Bader Ginsburg) documentary, lauded universally for her portrait of, and friendship with, the beloved Jewish Supreme Court Justice.


Please Join Us In Thanking Our Sponsors

Saul Alexander Foundation

Silver ($50,000)

Stephen & Julie Ziff

Bronze ($25,000)

Dr. Michael S. Kogan

Bronze ($25,000)

Sam and Regina Greene Family Fund

Jews & Justice: Title Event Sponsor (Greene Family Fund)

Danielle Ziff and Ruston Forrester

Jews & Justice: Student Ticket Sponsor ($10,000)

Lisa Clark

Contributors Circle: Keystone ($3,600)

Jeri Perlmutter

Contributors Circle: Keystone ($3,600)

Stanley B. Farbstein Endowment

Contributors Circle: Keystone ($3,600)

TR & Paige Williams

Contributors Circle: Keystone ($3,600)

Dr. Michael Fritz and Judith Green

Contributors Circle: Keystone ($3,600)

Izi Ellinsky & Sharon Weiss-Ellinsky

Contributors Circle: Pillar ($1,800)

Harvey & Audrey Glick

Contributors Circle: Archway ($275-$900)

Elliott & Tyler Friedman

Contributors Circle: Archway ($275-$900)

Joel & Arlene Hillman

Contributors Circle: Archway ($275-$900)

Shoshanna Richek

Contributors Circle: Archway ($275-$900)

Faye Seigel

Contributors Circle: Foundation ($18-$274)

Miriam Wilchanovsky

Contributors Circle: Foundation ($18-$274)

Lester & Jane Bergen

Contributors Circle: Foundation ($18-$274)

Amy Davis & Phil Saul

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Margalit & Gary Neiman

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

William Kennard & Deborah Kennedy Kennard

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Kronsberg Family

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Heide & James Klein

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Dr. Neal & Mrs. Marilyn Gordon

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Marge Cohen

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Traci & Neal Black

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Nan Birdwhistell & David Rothberg

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Linda Bergman

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Kahn Law Firm, LLP

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Ellis Kahn

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Sharon & Jeff Alexander

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Susan Dunn

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Robert Friedman

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Amy & Steven Goldberg

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Dede Waring

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Jim Jackoway

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

Dede Waring

Jews & Justice: Pew ($600)

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